Friday 17 April 2015

“IN SEARCH OF OUR WONDERFUL WORDS” -A search for collective freedom.

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We have been taught to take care of ourselves. This had been a perfect education that even a chick receives from its mother bird. Such education is necessary for each and every living being on this earth. However, our lack of understanding of realities, that we may call as ‘lack of true knowledge’ or ‘Avidya’), lead us to deploy our whole system of body, mind and intellect in our selfish interests.

In addition to this, our pride that we can accomplish more and more by doing less and less, thanks to our superior intellect, made us dependent on others in many ways. We want that others must do, whatever they can, for our benefit. To achieve this, we are ever ready to manipulate things in our favour. In this process, we have lost much of our freedom; and, with ever increasing complications arising out of it, we are continuing to lose more and more of our freedom. Therefore, individual freedom, if pivoted on self-centeredness is an illusion. True freedom can be achieved only through selflessness. It has to be collective freedom.

The absence or lack of freedom may be captivity of any kind, including that of one’s own. Any captivity is a cause of sorrow.

Therefore, individual freedom, if pivoted on self-centeredness, is an illusion. True freedom can be achieved only through selflessness. It has to be collective freedom.

I quote herein under a portion from the book, “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.     

“Let us discuss more about unlearning. What do we learn? We normally learn to take care of ourselves. In modern times, the more one knows about taking care of himself smarter he is considered to be. When the majority of us learn the same lesson of taking care of ourselves, we erect walls around us. We create walls to protect us but unknowingly we put ourselves in captivity behind the walls we have created. One who is imprisoned cannot create. He is deprived of the sources of happiness in life that are available in abundance. One among such sources is the joy of creativity. We are a part of the supreme Creator; creativity comes naturally to us. We have to unlearn taking unnecessary care of ourselves. When we learn to take necessary (not unnecessary) care of ourselves, we automatically tend to take care of the others also. By doing so we create a universal order that may help all of us in our efforts for survival of the entire universe. Is it not approaching closer to the Divine laws? Further, when we take care of others without expecting anything in return, we knock down the protective walls built by us and become free and creative. Selfless service is the most creative thing in this world.”

[This blog is being presented by PROMOD KUMAR SHARMA, the author of the book “IN SEARCH OF OUR WONDERFUL WORDS”. He has also authored “MAHATMA A SCIENTIST OF THE INTUITIVELY OBVIOUS”.]


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