Friday 3 July 2015


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We can’t please everybody, including ourselves, all the time. This awareness keeps us away from unnecessary ‘activities’ and helps us conserve our energy for right ‘actions’. Our activities are generally meant for our survival in a manner so as not to cause any harm to others, living or nonliving. The actions are for aligning our conduct with what is right, for rectifying the mistakes of the past and for making our lives meaningful for us and purposeful for the others.

Our activities, maintain our individual lives and our actions sustain the eternal, infinite universal continuum of which, we, being the most intelligent element, are an important participant. There is nothing trivial about our activities; and there is nothing great about our actions. Similarly, we are neither insignificant, nor very important. All the crests and troughs are for maintaining the flow, not just for creating any ripples. The conditions of floods and droughts could be a part of some natural process to help the rivers gain some experience so that they can flow uninterrupted for long times. We have senses, mind, emotions and ego; we can’t altogether rule out experiencing surges of energy and dips of depression. The detachment is not death; it is also a process of getting rid of tiresome and confusing agonies and ecstasies. We should not run after ecstasies to keep away from agonies. We can’t create floods to avoid drought.

Those who have gone and settled in forests might be having their own reasons for having done it. But, those who are much inclined to make their lives full of events in search of sensory pleasures or even  for reminding themselves and others of the existence of the God, have either failed to realize or have forgotten that the life itself is a big event where each moment provides enough opportunity to live. Who needs ‘kicks’ when a big challenge such as life is before us? It is more than enough for us if we learn to maintain the right balance of ‘activities’ and ‘actions’. If we do that, we would experience necessary ebbs and tides, crests and troughs, events and ‘kicks’ and also our share of pleasure and pain. Is it not strange that instead of working on our individual and collective life, we have busied ourselves with working on our pleasure and pain?

[The writer of this blog is also the author of “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious” and “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.]


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