Monday 1 June 2015


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For our physical survival, we have to depend on the world. The world includes whatever existed therein, and, whatever has been subsequently added to it by the human race. There are physical objects for making things convenient for us. There are rules, procedures, systems and guidelines that we must follow. Perhaps, there are more man-made things that we depend on than what the nature has given us. In fact, there are many things that the nature gave us without charging a single penny from us have been taken under their control by others, with or without our consent, and we have to pay for them in modern times. For example, one cannot use a small portion of land for growing food for himself. We have to pay for water. Many of us can’t even get proper sunlight, even in daytime.

In this blog, we will not enter into any argument about whether we have actually worked in our benefit or not. Here, when we say ‘our’, we mean anybody without exception, and not a few privileged ones. It, however, appears that the human race has not appropriately made use of his pravritti for his physical survival. Man has only succeeded in solving one of his problems at the cost of creating two new ones. The world is flooded with enormous knowledge and information, but we can never be sure if an action being taken somewhere with an intent of doing some good for a few would actually benefit them or harm them.

Can we think of our own good? I doubt. We often find a success that we achieved in the past becomes a source of considerable unhappiness later. The reverse is also true. Does it mean that we ourselves are never clear as to what would be good for us? Are the emotions of ‘happiness’ or ‘unhappiness’ also illusory? After ‘illusions of the intellect’, we can also talk about ‘illusions of the emotions’. Depending on the context we can include our ‘intellectual efforts’ in the discussions relating to pravritti and our ‘emotional satisfaction’ in the discussions relating to nivritti. One thing is sure that in the matters of life we cannot compartmentalize our thought process and discussions, as the things are much entwined. We may use our experiences; knowledge gained from various sources and our ability to think and analyze maintaining our focus on some defined area, but also need to review how a field out of our focus is affected. This invariably becomes a never ending process, especially because the things within us and outside also keep on changing. That is the reason, self study, rolling over what has been studied or experienced, deep contemplation thereafter and finally practically working with what has been thought is considered a must for exploring the truth of things. Here, self study must include study of self also.

We must remember that there had always been much that was illusory and tons of illusions are being added to the existing illusions every day, thanks to our intellect, emotions, desires and ego. We can’t stop thinking, conducting and experiencing. If we do it, we, definitely, develop more and more clarity day by day.

There is no shortcut to achieving relative freedom from illusions.

[This series is being presented by Promod Kumar Sharma, who has also authored “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious” and “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.]


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