Tuesday 7 July 2015


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In ordinary life we are condemned to hear what others speak. People often speak without thinking or without verifying what they have learned. Mostly they don’t intend to tell lies, they just happen to tell lies. When we speak without thinking, we normally propagate untruth. We, mostly the ordinary people, do not delve in absolute truth in our day to day life. The practical truths in life are of much consequence to us. However, the practical truths generally depend on the time and circumstances. To know the practical truths a background of appropriate thinking processes, thoughts and conduct are essential. Casual opinions sifted out of the contradictory information that we are submerged in harm us.

Most of us speak, just as we breathe, unaware of what we are conveying to our surroundings. The outcome is that our surroundings, immediate or remote, are predominantly pervaded by untruth. If we speak casually, with no thoughts and conduct to back up our speech, we add to the untruth existing in this world. If we remain silent, we permit a buildup of falsehood around us, endangering us to succumb to the untruth. Many, who have tried to learn the truth in things, opine that silence is better, as it helps us in clarifying our thoughts. But, does the silence, in today’s circumstances, serve us well? I think it does not. Most of us live in this world that is replete with selfish activities accompanied by apathy, incuriosity and unconcern towards our own welfare. Speaking, without thinking, further circulates far and wide the falsehood that pervades in this world. We continue to suffer without making any efforts to reduce the suffering.

It is the sacred duty of the man to establish the rule of the truth; it is of immense benefit to him. To counter the untruth man has to speak the truth, otherwise the pervading untruth would become more dominating, day by day. If we remain silent and try to live far away from the world, physically or mentally, we may be able to find some peace for our individual benefit; but, that will be making no contribution to the cause of truth. If we have faith in the concept of Nirvana (emancipation) and the cycles of birth and rebirth, human life is an opportunity to prepare ourselves for attaining the eternal peace. And, if we rely more on the truth of the physical existence of things, by working for the cause of truth, we would be serving ourselves and our future generations.

We have to speak the truth and we have to speak it effectively, to establish its supremacy and to counter the untruth. One cannot speak volumes if he has to be truthful in his speech. He has to think, deeply contemplate, conduct accordingly and review his thoughts, conduct and the words spoken by him earlier to acquire the ability of speaking the truth.

The truth cannot be revealed by presenting counter arguments against the untruth. Falsehood is deceptive and it quickly changes its appearance; if one is exposed the other appears. The truth must be spoken independently, with all its glory and sacredness. Untruth has no purpose, but the truth has the strongest purpose of all; it is for the benefit of human beings, of all living beings and the entire universe. We must speak; we must speak sparingly after all preparation; but whatever we speak must be truthful. Silence is for our individual benefit, it is for listening to our inner voice. For the world we must have truthful words. Preparation for speaking truth helps us grow. It elevates us.


[The writer of this blog is also the author of “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious” and “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.]


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