Sunday, 18 August 2013


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There was a king, Dharmakirti. He was known for his honesty, not only in his own kingdom but also in many other surrounding states. He was supported by an illustrious group of able courtiers. One of his courtiers, named Katuram, was a very truthful person but he was very outspoken and rude.

The king Dharmakirti had earmarked four hours time in a week when any one from his kingdom could come to king’s court and openly criticize the king for anything that, in his opinion, was not right or was unfair. The only procedure that was required to be followed was to report the contents of the complaint or criticism to a court clerk one week in advance so that the king could prepare himself with his reply or defense to avoid any wastage of the court’s time. However, once the king had replied, the complainant could feely present his arguments or counter arguments in the court.

The people of King Dharmakirti’s kingdom were using the aforesaid opportunity enthusiastically and were able to get most of their individual problems as well as many of the inconsistencies of rules, regulations and king’s orders, sorted out. It was said that in Dharmakirti’s rule there was no criticism of the king or his rule in private. King’s conduct was transparent and so was the conduct of his countrymen.

Once, the king called Katuram for a private meeting and said, “Katuram, I want you to investigate thoroughly and submit a list of ten most dishonest people from my kingdom. I give you a time of twenty days to you for completion of this job. Do you have anything to say from your side?”
Katuram said, “No respected King, nothing for the time being. But I feel that the proposed list, once ready, be discussed between two of us before it is taken up for any public discussion or action.”
“Sure. That, I think, would be in order.” The king said.


On the twenty-first day Katuram approached the king with his list. The king unfolded the paper to read. The first name written there was that of king Dharmakirti followed by nine others. The king did not speak a word. He folded it and kept it safely with him. He then said, “Katuram, I think you have done an honest and good job. You may leave now.”

The following day the king sent a message to Katuram asking him to come over. When Katuram arrived the king said, “I tried very hard to find when and where I have ever been dishonest in my conduct but I failed. You must have had reasons for including my name in the list. Please help me identify my shortcomings.”

Katuram said, “Respected King, there is no doubt that you always mean well and never have any intentions which are guided by selfishness or ego.
One thing which any honest person must know is that it is not very difficult to be honest with others but it is extremely difficult to be honest with oneself.
The system of open public criticism amply establishes that you want to help your people and are genuinely concerned about their welfare. You do not want that your administration should ever operate secretively. But, are you sure that you do not have a hidden desire that your people trust you and like you, even if some of your well contemplated moves for  long term benefit of the people are to be reversed just in case the people are not able to appreciate your farsighted moves?
Respected king, you are the only person in this kingdom who can practice both, the external honesty as well as internal honesty. Please tear off the list, the rest of the nine names are fake. I could not identify the most dishonest people, because I was caught up with the problem of defining honesty so that I could start the job given by you to me. I apologize for not being able to obey your orders.”

King Dharmakirti tore the list into many pieces and said, “Never mind Katuram, you have not only provided me with a valuable definition of honesty but also helped me with an example of internal honesty through your conduct.”



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