Sunday 2 March 2014


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Today, I read a blog from a well known spiritual leader from India. The blog spoke about God’s kindness and His readiness to help those who are in tears.
This made me wonder about God’s difficulty in attending to a very big numbers of newly born babies and infants who cry in regular intervals sending signals about their hunger. However, it immediately occurred to me that the God has already delegated His responsibility of attending to tears of the infants to the mothers of the crying infants.
I could not prevent myself from thinking about man’s conduct on the planet earth that causes tears in innumerable human eyes.
Human violence of his deeds, mind and words is expanding itself adopting newer forms. Man has become a very sophisticated animal with his complex intellect. Man of 21st century knows how to exploit human beings, without physically hurting them, with a view to depriving them of what is rightfully due to them, so that he can in live more comfortably and luxuriously fulfilling his sensory desires. Interestingly man of today is deploying his vastly superior intellect in exploring more and more imaginative ideas for satisfaction of his insatiable desires. The cost of fulfilling ever increasing desires of a few is being paid by great majority of other human beings and also by the nature.
Many have tears in their eyes and many more are at the verge of tears. God has granted quality of compassion to man. He has granted him intellect to decide what is a right action for the good of mankind. He has granted man all necessary tools in the form of his body-mind complex that he can use to sort out his difficulties, particularly if they are manmade.
Spirituality is a potent thought. Its source is universal consciousness, and it has God’s blessings. Spirituality does not suggest devaluation of tears for God’s intervention.
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, sarve santu niraamayah;
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu maakaschid duhkha bhag bhavet.

[Meaning: May all be happy and healthy. All may ensure good of others. No one should suffer.]


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