VAGDEVI is a duly
registered NGO by Registrar of Societies, Uttar Pradesh ,
India with registration
number 628 / 1995-1996 having its
registered office at 2/166, Vivek Khand, Gomtinagar, Lucknow ,
226010, India .
It is a non-profit organization.
After having worked in the areas of environmental protection
and education for about six years (1996-2000) it has been silently working for
human development for last twelve years.
The nature of work involved interaction with children and
adolescents (12-18 years age group) through education of sciences and
mathematics. The education programmes were heavily biased toward character
building by using vast knowledge contained in ancient Indian philosophy and
texts related to spirituality, humanitarian values and concepts of universal
After careful experimentation and research VAGDEVI has now been able to develop
very useful knowledge content particularly, for students and teachers and, in
general, for the all the people of the modern world.
The knowledge content empowers one to weave a pattern
involving oneself and his immediate surrounding to experience, and thereby,
learn through such experiencing, as to how can one lead a meaningful and useful
life through sustained motivation for internal growth and contentment.
VAGDEVI has found
that life is a process. It is actually a spiritual process consistent with the
infinite universal continuum beyond the dimensions of time.
This process can not be explained by usual methods of
developing carefully worded texts and literature, which suffer from deficiency
of intellectual process of narration, transmission and comprehension. The
knowledge of spiritual process can be acquired through the natural process of
VAGDEVI intends
to reveal the aforesaid spiritual process through this site. This revelation
also has to be a process which continues.
We warmly welcome you to this site.
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