Thursday 27 August 2015


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If something decays naturally, we cannot stop it from decaying. The only thing we can do is to work for its healthy development and growth so that it does not decay due to unnatural reasons and to enable it to live in good health and vigour for as long as it is allowed to live according to the laws of nature.

Whatever has taken birth shall die. We can neither change this law, nor should we ever try to think about changing this law. Whatever is living must change. The thing that does not change has no life in it. However, we must ensure that we do not accelerate the decay. We cannot reverse the movement of the wheel of human life; but, we can make the wheel move in the right direction and with the right speed. The laws of nature are laws of life. Maybe, such laws also include what is beyond life, but, we hardly know about it. Further, in all likelihood, we can know about what is beyond life, only if we have thoroughly understood what is there in our lives.

On the one hand, there are the laws of the nature and on the other are human mind, intellect and ego. The laws of the nature cannot be modified by us, but our intellect, mind and ego can be made to obey us. Undoubtedly, we can control our mind, intellect and ego to align them with the laws of the nature provided we realize that we are different from them. Unfortunately, we believe that we are nothing but our intellect, mind and ego.

What is the problem with us? Do we find it difficult to understand elementary things? Or, after understanding them, we find it difficult to develop enough faith in them? Why it is so that instead of maintaining our focus on the immediate issues that, no doubt, are too critical, we keep thinking about the state of ‘emancipation’ and ‘Moksha’, when no one in that state has ever reverted to us to tell us what it is all about? Assuming that one from such a state visits us the next moment and enlighten us about ‘emancipation’, would we be able to understand him with the kind of intellect, mind and ego we possess or are possessed by?


[The writer of this blog is also the author of “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious” and “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.]


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