Tuesday 8 March 2016


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Freedom is a state of mind that has to be attained by making the mind least occupied with the affairs of the physical world. It is neither possible, nor desired to altogether neglect the demands of the physical world; but, excessive occupation of the mind with such affairs enslaves the individual, the society and the entire humanity.

Spirituality is more about the individual’s relationship with the humanity; and, the religion is more about the individual’s relation with the society. Societies prohibit; the humanity inspires. It inspires the man to explore oneness in the all that exists. Societies require the man to indulge; the humanity requires the man to restrain. Societies involve; the humanity detaches the man from his desires and selfishness. Societies make the mankind dependent; the humanity makes him free.

Ancient Indian scriptures told the man almost everything about his duties towards humanity, but, left him free to choose and carve out his own path for his spiritual development according to when and where he lived, and the circumstance he lived in. In other words, according to the ancient scriptures the only bond the man needed in one’s life was that of the humanity. The scriptures dealt with all the theories about the creation, existence and destruction of the universe; and permitted all discussions about the meaning and purpose of life; but, except for being insistent about the man’s duty towards humanity, they did not prescribe any thought or faith or made one sacrosanct. Hence, ancient Indian knowledge was made freely available to the entire humanity without any discrimination. It did not promote or establish any religion or sect, or stipulated any conditions regarding the use of that knowledge, or authorized any human race or group of people as owners or guardians of that knowledge to promote it or circulate it to other human races or groups.

The ancient Indian philosophy treats any knowledge that is for the welfare of the mankind as a resource that is freely and unconditionally available to each and everybody without any distinction. There is no concept of forming separate sects or religious groups for satisfying spiritual needs of the mankind in ancient Indian philosophy. Maybe, one can erroneously imagine or think about separate ownerships for portions of sky, air, water or land for satisfying physical needs of the mankind ; but, it is unimaginable to think of separate ‘pieces of knowledge’ to satisfy spiritual needs of the mankind. Whether the soul is one or there are many souls existing as exact replicas of the Supreme soul, the basic knowledge needed to identify them cannot be many; only the methods employed for spiritual realization can be many. The ancient Indian philosophy says that each one of us is free to find ways and means to satisfy his spiritual needs and no one can be persuaded, forced, lured, taught or can be made to accept a particular method or piece of knowledge for satisfying his spiritual needs.

The ancient Indian scriptures are not the only scriptures; there are others also. The scriptures have, generally, been the sources of many of the religions being followed by the people of different backgrounds, traditions and cultures. The times and circumstances have made the people to shift from one geographical location to another. The people carried their traditions, cultures and religions along with them from one geographical location to another, in the midst of the people of different traditions, cultures and religions. As the consequences of such movements we have witnessed the frictions and clashes, at times, even very violent ones, between the people of different cultures, traditions and religions. We have also witnessed that even the traditions, cultures or religions that were less violent than many others could not create the desired impact on the sufferings caused by human violence of thoughts, actions and the words.

From careful analysis of the human history and the present affairs of the world, we can infer that the individual efforts of the man to satisfy his spiritual needs have always been more valuable and important for attaining freedom for him than the influences he carries owing to his culture, tradition and religion. Hence, here also, the man must rely more on his own understanding of life and his efforts to realize its worth than on his social identities.


[The writer of this blog is also the author of “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious” and “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.]


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