Sunday 17 July 2016


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We, as human beings, must contribute to the process of life to improve our lives. The benefits of our efforts must be routed through the whole of our being to reach for us individually.

Vagdevi, a non-profit voluntary organization, has been functioning for last 21 years, primarily, on the basis the efforts of many being pooled in to strengthen what is more right in the process of the life, rather than struggling with the snags that have developed in it. We pick up what we conclude to be right on the basis of carefully performed experiments and try to infuse it in the process of life that people generally depend on. We work with a conviction that what is right must be beneficial for the most, and what is beneficial for the most, must be acceptable to many.

We have been working in the areas of environment, renewable energy, and energy conservation; but more in the field of education. Our actions have always been knowledge based, relying on exploratory efforts at the grass root levels. Fund based interventions in anticipation of substantive impact never suited our objectives so far. In short, we work for generating willingness to change, rather than the change itself in those who may be unwilling or half willing.

After 21 years of dedicated efforts and on the basis of collective knowledge generated within us, we can say with much confidence that willingness to change in human beings is as pronounced in human beings, it may be somewhat latent though, as is their resistance to change. The problem, perhaps, is that we have always been a bit more overawed by the prevalent scenarios of life than how we should have been. Maybe, we have linked our souls to our bodies, instead of linking our bodies to our souls.

On the 21st anniversary of its inception, Vagdevi thanks, with much gratitude, all the members of its team, associates, well-wishers, all those who worked with us in the past, those who take interest in our work, and also those who take keen interest in our website ‘Vagdevi Spiritual Process’ and leave their kind remarks that encourage us.


17th July, 2016


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