we really becoming more and more unfit to manage the affairs of our life?
course, no one would like to answer this question in the affirmative without
qualifying his answer. In our answers to most of the questions concerning our
life lies our hopelessness and in our qualifying remarks accompanying our
answers lie our hopes.
education system incorporates too much of mental involvement and intellectual preoccupation
in all the aspects of our materialistic life. We always find our intellect
standing before us like the genie of Alladin’s lamp asking for more occupation.
We enjoy our status of being the master of the genie without realizing that we,
in fact, have become its slaves.
modern man had allowed himself to depend a little too much on his intellect in
search of more ‘leisure’ from the drudgeries of efforts needed for his
survival, so that he could find opportunities to experience the joy of
‘self-actualization’ and interplay of his exploratory intellect. However, what
he could achieve was almost an absolute involvement in his materialistic life
with is body, desires, intellect and ego devoted to it. It is only his
emotional part that often reacts having been suppressed rather ruthlessly and
in many ways.
religious and ethical restrains do not welcome emotional attachment with
worldly things, because that distracts one from the right and the righteous. Religions
tell the mankind to be dutiful to others in their conduct first and only
thereafter, to satisfy his emotional needs. The modern education system gives
high priority to achieving success in the task in hand. And, the task generally
concerns the materialistic aspect of man’s life. The modern education system
considers being sentimental about man’s emotional need of togetherness and
concern for each other, more or less as a weakness and sometimes even a kind of
a threat to one’s performance of his
task. The modern life style expects a man to schedule and programme his
emotional needs and concerns, according to the needs of the task in hand. This
life style presumes that materialistic rewards can take care of one’s emotional
try to restrain selfish emotional needs by promoting the virtue of
selflessness. Modern education attempts to contain both selfish emotional needs
as well as emotional needs of selfless togetherness through materialistic
rewards. Religions targeted togetherness. As against this, modern lifestyle and
education targeted alienation, and then, to compensate it, rewarded it
materially. All this was done for achieving materialistic success. “For whose
materialistic success?” this question I am not raising in this blog, because
that will open up a Pandora’s Box.
alienate people; then we put them together in teams and try to infuse team-
spirit in them. No doubt, it looks a little too awkward. But, when we rub the
lamp and invite our ‘intellectual genie’ to come up with an explanation; we
definitely, over do things.
we fit to manage? Or, do we need to introspect and review many things? The bad
part of being highly dependent on our intellectual prowess is that we end up
doing several patchworks, one after the other, to achieve marginal and partial
success only.
[The writer of this blog is the author of “In Search of
Our Wonderful Words” and “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious”.]
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