The two words, ‘loneliness’ and ‘aloneness’ never came together in my mind till the time I heard them. The first thing that occurred to me was that one may achieve a state of ‘aloneness’ completely discarding one’s loneliness. The process is somewhat like when a light photon rich with a particular wavelength strikes a tiny particle and the interaction results in re-emission of light rich with a different wavelength. It is not transformation; it is conversion. However, the reverse is not energetically possible.
is composed of worldly ‘matters’ like the body, mind, desires, wants, emotions,
intellect and ego, etc.; the ‘bulk’ whereof can be converted into pure energy,
if one can learn how to shed the ‘bulk’ that has no life. As against this, the
‘aloneness’ is a spiritual state, detached from the worldly matters; hence,
devoid of any bulk. As long as we exist as physical beings, we have no ability
to convert energy into bulk; that being exclusively within the prowess of the
Supreme Creator.
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