Sunday 9 August 2015


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There are many things of common knowledge. Human beings, all around the world, possess that knowledge. Speaking the truth, being nonviolent, not being greedy, avoiding anger, taking care of old, infirm and children, and not stealing, etc. are only a very few of many things that all of us recognize as desirable human conduct, irrespective of our education, gender, religion, nationality, culture, financial status and age.

We may think about the things of common knowledge, introspect about our own conduct to find if we are conforming to them, ponder over if others are also acting accordingly and if they do not, then why they are not doing it, and contemplate deeply over all the matters relating to many other things of common knowledge; but, we should avoid entering into any argument about the things of common knowledge with others. If for some reason, we feel that a particular thing of common knowledge does not suit us at a particular time or in certain circumstances, we must enter into several arguments within ourselves to find an alternative or even discarding the particular thing, but it is not advisable to be vociferous about it.

The things of common knowledge are the foundations on which a social order is maintained and sustained. All the societies have the ability to protect their foundations and do not need outside support for this. No doubt, the societies gain strength to do it from its people. If there are things in a particular society that have outlived their utility and righteousness or if there are harmful things that have been infused in a society; and, the society is not capable of protecting itself, such society may, in all likelihood,  be degenerating and thereby losing its orderliness. It should be allowed to progress to its logical conclusion, for what is not reparable must be permitted to die so that it may be renewed.

When we make things of common knowledge that are for maintaining the orderliness in a society, and for the benefit of its members, a subject matter of premature and immature public arguments, we often diffuse the brewing and settling reactions of the members of the society that have the potential to bring about some silent revolution and ultimate change that may be much desired. When a society is ready for a change, the right words and right arguments appear automatically from nowhere. Being the outcome of deep, selfless contemplation such words have enough potential to effect the right change.

Common knowledge is what a common man possesses. Perhaps, he is hardly aware about how precious it is, as it comes to him very easily having been passed to him by his ancestors. He has never earned it through severe penance of long drawn painful efforts of sticking to such knowledge. He argues about it very casually, sometimes even supporting the views of its detractors. He may devalue it. Common man is a simple man, his intention is pure, but he is hardly competent enough to understand the designs of greedy and selfish minds who ruthlessly and cruelly discard the essence of common knowledge in their thoughts, deeds and words. While the common man remains busy with his trivial arguments about things of common knowledge the powerful and the selfish do everything possible to serve their own interests at the cost of the common man. In our democratic system, from morning till evening, we hear about plenty of arguments about the greed, selfishness, corruption and perpetual lies of politicians who rule us, one after the other, but, have we heard about a change that gives us some hope?

When we use many words to describe a thought, it loses it edge. When we argue about it, it becomes blunt. When we quarrel over a thought, it becomes impotent.


[The writer of this blog is also the author of “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious” and “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.]


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