Saturday 15 August 2015


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The one who has pledged to tread on the right path and live a truthful life must have courage to live in this world. Abandoning the world is easy; it is rather selfish also. By detaching himself from the world, one can, perhaps, avoid worldly influences that compel him to make many errors, but, at the same time, by separating himself from the world one cannot think of becoming an example for others. His words to the world would, then, be hollow being devoid of any live example of the right conduct.

Just as physical and intellectual gains must be shared with others, spiritual gains should also be shared by living in this world. Worldly affairs are often guided by human desires and ego. People look for material advantage even from their selfless and truthful conduct. Spiritually inclined people do not find the worldly ways conducive to their growth. They either live a lonely life depleted of desired enthusiasm or internally surrender to the worldly ways wearing a mask demonstrative of spiritual wisdom. That, no doubt, is not a spiritual way of living; it leaves a poor example before the world.

The one who chooses to live a truthful life must fight a battle more valiantly than those who fight for their selfish interests and false ego. This battle is not for defeating others, but for defeating the ways of life that harm humanity. This battle is against one’s own weaknesses. This, essentially, has to be a nonviolent battle; hence it has to be fought more courageously than any other battle. The glory of this battle is that no one wins or loses this battle. This battle is fought to weaken the selfishness, the greed, the timidity, the violence and the ego of the mankind. The target may always be to create a heaven on the earth, but the warrior has to die before the target is achieved. This, perhaps, is also a divine law to ensure that the earth does not ever become hell. Maybe, the duty to ensure that the earth remains a care taker of life and does not get converted into  hell, full of decay and destruction, is assigned to those who pledge to tread the right path and lead a meaningful and purposeful life. The history of the mankind is replete with instances that evidence what I have narrated above.


[The writer of this blog is also the author of “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious” and “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.]


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