Friday, 4 December 2015


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A generation suffers because of its mistakes and the mistakes made by the earlier generations. In their lifetime, at least a few from a generation come close to identifying and knowing the reasons of their sufferings. However, a generation, as a whole, unhesitatingly passes all what made it suffer onto the generation next. The next generation repeats all the mistakes committed by its earlier generations, also adds to them many more new ones that it makes in its lifetime, and then, passes a bigger bundle of mistakes to the next generation.

Since time immemorial, there has been a tradition of passing on the mistakes that add to human sufferings from generation to generation. We all are born and brought up with several difficult knots of complex errors in our minds that have been compounded from generation to generation. Unfortunately, we lack enough courage and tenacity to untie them, and hence, keep suffering.

It is our sacred duty to rediscover the right knowledge of humanity. We have to begin by making a strong commitment to ourselves to do so. It is only when we get completely submerged into the undiluted and constant feeling of compassion towards all living beings, particularly the mankind, that the process of rediscovering the right knowledge of humanity can be initiated. The complex knots of our mind and intellect can be untied only through developing absolute selflessness and genuine concern for the welfare of others living with us; achieving freedom from greed, hatred, arrogance, envy, contempt and trivial or major irritations caused by setbacks in our efforts; settling in utmost simplicity of mind, words and conduct; and, attaining unpretentious humility without surrendering our self respect. All this can be done by making patient and persistent efforts with courage to face any hardships and make any sacrifices. All this is not easy to do because we are surrounded by others whose minds also have several difficult knots just as we do. One has to practice it again and again to come out as a winner against all sorts of distractions and oppositions. Longer we practice in most adverse circumstances, the stronger our character should become. The nasty knots, tied over the centuries, generations after generations, should gradually loosen themselves to make us able to rediscover humanity.

It is not that such efforts would be made for the first time. A great many have always been making such efforts. Perhaps, there had been some gap between their thoughts and conduct. Perhaps, that had ever been the reason for that number not appearing to be large enough to create sufficient impact on the mankind so that its benefits become noticeable. The humanity desperately needs more people to be thinking, working on themselves and conducting accordingly to get it rediscovered.


[The writer of this blog is also the author of “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious” and “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.]

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kumar,

    This world our world is finite in comparison to our infinite souls transcending the bondage we are each subjected to at random, by intent or otherwise. We as a species lack the sufficient leverage collectively to attain the maturity and foresight to eradicate the great evils. Be it poverty, famine, war, and hatred. Especially when the populace is greatly disjointed in a mutual resolve to succeed together. Smaller organizations have the flexibility to act with discipline, but the larger the entity upwards to the scale of governments there becomes diminishing returns.

    However ironically suffering is a backward form of grace to prepare the sincere through character building and mutual healing. If humanity was sufficiently mature collectively as peaches and roses there would be no need to reincarnate outside of paradise. Yes, the work or duty is always great, but so is our convictions to make a lasting difference to unite what is worth keeping.


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