Wednesday 3 May 2017


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Most of our time is used by the world around us and hardly any time is left with us that we may or may not use for our benefit. This statement may surprise many, because everyone, in the core of his heart accepts and also believes that whatever one does is generally for his own benefit. The correct thing, perhaps, is that most of the time one gets in his life is given to making himself suitable and acceptable to the world around him, that is, ‘his world’.

Do we ever try to manage the time we get in our lives, giving a substantial part of it for our on benefit leaving just a reasonable part of our time to make ourselves acceptable and suitable for ‘our world’? The fact is that we have not been taught to view ourselves as an entity, primarily, independent of the world that we consider as ‘our world’.

There is no doubt that we are participants in the affairs of the world, just as anyone else is; but, being human beings with fairly independent intellects as our own, we are expected to identify our limitations and realize our potential to perform our respective roles to become valuable participants in the affairs of the entire universe. If we survive in the world doing nothing for ourselves except molding us in a frame that is most acceptable to ‘our world’, we definitely waste the great opportunity to act as important participants in the affairs of the universe. The important thing is that ‘our world’ is not the divine creation of all powerful and ever existent Creator who is little known to us; it is only a dumb and stereotyped imitation of the universe that tries to survive according to the whims and fancies of the man for as long as it can.

The great scriptures can provide us some help to us in knowing a few things about the universe and us; but, to know more, we need to give more time of our respective lives to us, the participants of the universe surrounding us with all its mysteries.


[The writer of this blog is also the author of “Mahatma A Scientist of the Intuitively Obvious” and “In Search of Our Wonderful Words”.]


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